


Werkervaring interimmanager

Teun, an economist by training, has gained ample experience in research and consultancy in those areas that are relevant to the three pillars of sustainable development: People, Planet and Profit. After working in West Africa as a teacher, he worked with the Dutch Central Statistical Office, where he specialised in the transport sector. Later on, he studied the transport sector from the viewpoint of economic and institutional change and their impact on established labour relations. Also labour conflicts and mediation were focused upon.
In the beginning of the nineties he moved into environmental studies. After conducting two big EU environmental projects in the field of environmental innovations by SMEs and environmental costing as growing field, Teun embarked on implementing sustainability strategies in international chains, particularly in the field of coffee. In particular, he led a big implementation project resulting into a sustainable coffee produced by six cooperatives in Costa Rica.
This experience led him to establish the Institute for Sustainable Commodities (ISCOM) in 2000. As ISCOM's director, Teun is developing projects that help the producers in low-income countries to strengthen their own economic position by producing sustainable products. Market research is an important part of such projects. In an early stage potential clients are involved. Networking and involving local and regional authorities are part of the job.
Teun is also active in the field of environmental management accounting (with a focus on environmental costs). He initiated the Environmental Management Accounting Network (EMAN) that obtained finances from the EU to organise a number of annual conferences in the field. Given his wide experience in company-based research and consultancy, he is interested in giving support to organisations that wish to build up a sustainability strategy. Moreover, he would like to contribute to the development of efficient governmental policies in support of sustainable development in agriculture and industry. Also his background in conflict management could help him to be a good partner in designing creative sustainability policies and strategies. With others, he is developing a centre for sustainable enterprise in the east of the Netherlands. This requires intensive networking with public and private organisations. Meanwhile he also serve the senior management of the Dutch Central Statistical Office in setting up a strategic programme on the development of indicators that measure the emergence and impact of ICT on the national economy. Presently, he leads the making of an international publication on New Economy indicators for the purpose of benchmarking the E-15 countries in light of the Lisbon Strategy goals.

Kort in het Nederlands:
Leraar economie in Sierra Leone (West-Afrika)
Hoofd afdeling vervoersbedrijven bij het CBS
Hoofd bedrijfseconomisch onderzoek ES-VU
Senior-onderzoeker TNO-STB milieumanagement
Account-manager milieu bij EIM Zoetermeer
Manager strategisch programma Nieuwe Economie CBS
Oprichter en director Stichting Instituut voor Duurzame basisproducten (o.a. project in de koffieketen tussen Nederland en Costa Rica)
leiding grote onderzoeksprojecten (ook EU)
leiding grote implementatieprojecten, o.a. internationaal duurzaam ketenbeheer
interface praktijk en wetenschap
auteur en redacteur op (semi-) wetenschappelijk gebied

Opleiding interimmanager

doctoraal economie (bedrijfskundig); drs VU te Amsterdqam
doctoraat in arbeidsvraagstukken en conflictbemiddeling; dr VU

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

leiding grote projecten
breed spectrum van kennis (economie, milieu, duurzaam ondernemen, duurzaam ketenbeheer, Nieuwe Economie, innovatie)

Talenkennis interimmanager

Nederlands (moedertaal)
Engels (goed in woord en geschrift)
Duits (goed in verstaan en lezen; spreken redelijk)
Frans (basiskennis)


Werkend met Office-pakket
